Sunday, January 26, 2014

+ Marks the Spot for Garnets in Leakin Park

After my earlier expedition, last July, to Leakin Park in search of garnets, I returned on December 28th, with expert help from my geology guru, Ira. He knew what to look for, and he knew that garnets can appear in ways I did not recognize. The schist garnets in Leakin Park are often very small and even the larger ones are very dark in color, almost black, due to iron in their chemical makeup. After we spoted the best examples of garnets, I noticed that someone had previously marked the spot with a cross or + sign on the boulder where we found garnets. Look closely at the photo and you will see the + carved into the face of the rock, which Ira is standing next to. So, treasure hunters and rock hounds, there is your clue

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