Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crime and Poetry

Crime and poetry, not words usually associated with each other. Here at Pohlaxed we love poetry, at least the kind readers other than the poet can understand. I even write a poem now and then. And on occassion I write a crime story. But they are two spheres of my writing life that rarely overlap. Who would think there was such a place as a webzine devoted to crime poetry - and that it might actually inspire a crime story at another webzine? Welcome to Poetic Justice Press. And Beat to a Pulp, which recently featured a story, If You Only Knew, written by John Stickney, who was inspired by Mary Christine Delea's poem If You Only Knew How Easy It Is To Break Into My House, which appeared in Issue 4 of The Lineup: poems on crime, published by Poetic Justice Press. Enjoy.

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